Video Ad Player

HTML5 video ad player for publishers, plays video ads in any format. Supports VAST/VPAID, Google IMA SDK, Header Bidding/OpenRTB, Prebid.js, APS (apstag.js), Instream/Outstream video ads, multiple modes: In-Article, Float, Sticky.

Monetize your Website

Monetize your digital property by running video ads. Display video ads to a global audience across Web and Mobile.

Integrate with Video Ad Server

Take full control of your video ads with Video Ad Server.

Optimize CPMs, Maximize Revenues

Get the best revenues by creating competition across demand channels. Set dynamic floor pricing across channels.

Programmatic & Direct Campaigns

Execute programmatic as well as direct campaigns, enhancing ad revenues further.

Control the Demand Waterfall

Manage supply/demand tags. Monitor all KPIs through a real-time dashboard that tracks and records all activity.

Video Player Features


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