What is Ad RPM?

In advertising, RPM stands for "Ad Revenue Per Mille" (or "Ad Revenue Per Thousand Impressions"). It is a metric used to measure the revenue generated per thousand ad impressions. This metric helps publishers understand the performance of their ad inventory and optimize their monetization strategies.

How to calculate Ad RPM

Ad revenue per thousand impressions (RPM) is calculated by dividing the total earnings (revenue) by the number of total ad impressions, then multiplying by 1,000.

Try our RPM calculator to better understand this metric.

RPM formula

Ad RPM = (Total Revenue / Total Impressions) * 1000


  • Total Revenue: The total earnings generated from the ads.
  • Total Impressions: The total number of ad impressions served.

Ad RPM calculation example

Suppose a publisher earns $500 from 200,000 ad impressions in a given period. The ad RPM would be calculated as follows:

Ad RPM = ($500 / 200,000 impressions) * 1000 = 2.5

This means the publisher earns $2.50 for every 1,000 ad impressions.

RPM Use Cases

  • Publishers: Publishers use RPM to evaluate the effectiveness of their ad placements and inventory. It helps them determine which sections of their website or which ad formats are generating the most revenue.
  • Advertisers: Advertisers can use RPM to assess the cost-effectiveness of their campaigns across different publishers or platforms.


Ad RPM is often compared to CPM (Cost Per Mille), which measures the cost to an advertiser for one thousand impressions. While CPM focuses on the cost side for advertisers, RPM focuses on the revenue side for publishers.

Benefits of RPM

  1. Performance Evaluation: RPM helps publishers assess the performance of their ad inventory, enabling them to identify high and low-performing areas.
  2. Revenue Optimization: By understanding RPM, publishers can make data-driven decisions to optimize ad placements, formats, and partnerships to maximize revenue.
  3. Benchmarking: RPM provides a standard metric for comparing revenue performance across different channels, ad networks, and campaigns.

Factors Affecting Ad RPM

  1. Ad Placement: Ads placed in prominent locations (e.g., above the fold) tend to generate higher RPM due to better visibility.
  2. Ad Format: Different ad formats (e.g., display, video, native) can have varying RPMs based on engagement levels.
  3. Audience Demographics: The demographics of the audience, such as geographic location, interests, and behavior, can impact RPM.
  4. Seasonality: Revenue can fluctuate based on seasonal trends and events, affecting RPM during different times of the year.

By monitoring and optimizing ad RPM, publishers can enhance their ad revenue strategies, ensuring they make the most of their available ad inventory.

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